Corporeal Creativity
A Sole Proprietorship Business started in Boston in October 2023
Value that Ms. Hetal Shah can provide:
Hetal is knowledgeable about startups, entrepreneurship, dating, movies and restaurants.
Hetal has some good ideas, methods, presentation skills, acumen, sensuality and creativity.
Hetal has many connections on Linkedin.
Hetal has influence on a good number of Indian American professionals.
Hetal has a college-educated fan base in the United States.
Maybe some very rich professionals know Hetal and her email address.
Maybe some Founders and Executives know Hetal and her email address.
Hetal is pretty and petite, and has some good photos.
Hetal has written business books, blogs, short stories and business articles.
Hetal’s YouTube channel is about professional topics and guided meditations.
Hetal’s Vimeo channel is about her songs, dances, recitations and speeches.
Hetal has organized events on Meetup and Eventbrite.
Hetal is capable of giving some business advice to startups and funded companies.
Hetal is capable of signing contracts.
Hetal wants to earn Endorsement, Sponsorship, Licensing, Royalty, Tip Jar, Coaching and Consulting incomes. Please email hetaliscoy@yahoo.com.
Some Video Links:
13-minute video on Design Thinking for Business Innovation
10-minute video on How to Get Sales Traction
6-minute video on How to Build a Minimum Viable Product
4-minute video on How to Generate Startup Ideas
2-minute video on When Starting a Startup
2-minute video on Finance for Startups
3-minute video on Marketing for Startups